Sunday, March 29, 2015

SOL Day 29: A Fresh Start

Today was my final day of Spring Break. My oldest son was helping out at his uncle's tree farm, which happens to be very close to my school, so I decided this was the perfect excuse to head into school and get some work done. 

One of the things that always seems to rejuvenate our classroom, as well as the people in it, is rearranging the furniture. I think our current arrangement works really well, and I like to have my team to bounce ideas off of, so I settled for the next best thing: new supplies and new books.

I worked for a little bit getting new crayons, pencils, glue sticks, markers, and colored pencils into the supply tubs then I headed to the library. I stocked up on poetry books for our upcoming poetry study as well as some new arrivals on display. When I returned, I got them all settled into the bookshelf, ready for my little readers tomorrow. 

It's hard to believe that we only have nine more weeks of school left! I have a feeling that it will go by in a flash. 


  1. Your room looks like such a great place to learn! Organized and attractive and kid friendly! I love the IN THE SEA series I see poking out of the poetry box. And BOOKSPEAK is another favorite!

  2. I love the photos of your room and after a break things to feel and look fresh. Have a great last quarter, it's the homestretch and a honeymoon at the same time.
